Overlay Name Reading
The essence of who you are is determined by your birth name and can never be replaced by any subsequent names you have, whether these names are introduced by adoption, marriage or personal choice. However, any other names you have used during your life add new dimensions. They can enhance and support your original coding, bringing new talents and maybe a new direction to your life or can give rise to some clashes, making aspects of your life more challenging.
Following the initial full Soul Purpose Reading that focuses on your name at birth, an Overlay Reading takes you deeper, looking at the nuances that have been introduced by any subsequent names you have used. Any full names as shown on your passport (which may include your middle name) and the names you have used on a day-to-day basis are generally included. Nicknames are not generally considered, unless this is the name that everyone knows you by.
A full Soul Purpose Reading is a prerequisite for an Overlay Reading. These can be purchased together in a special package price. Up to five names can be included in the Overlay Reading (six including your birth name).
What is included?
I prepare the reading in advance (about 90 minutes), using the full birth names as described on the birth certificate, then you will recieve:
A 60 minute Zoom session
I take you through the reading and give you the opportunity to ask questions.
A recording of your reading.
Available on request.
Relationship Reading document
A copy of the full Relationshp Reading, as prepared in advance.
For details of the Soul Purpose Reading/Overlay Reading packages and other great value packages, click below.