Soul Purpose Reading
A Soul Purpose Reading is a powerful way to gain insight into why you are here and to discover your life purpose. It helps you understand your life on a deeper level, the reason for the challenges you are facing and how to overcome them. It highlights your talents and what drives you. It gives you focus and direction so you can achieve your full potential and experience a more fulfilling, happier life.
Individual readings are based on the sound vibration of your birth name. It is a remarkably accurate ancient system of life purpose guidance and healing. An extensive full Soul Purpose Reading is available or you can choose a mini version. You can find out more about these Soul Purpose Readings here.
There are a variety of different aspects that can be focused on during a reading. However, most require the foundation of an initial full Soul Purpose Reading. After this initial Reading you can gain more insight with any of the following:
Overlay Name Reading
An Overlay Name Reading looks into how the various other names you have used in your life have infused your life with additional challenges, opportunities, talents and goals. You can find out more about an Overlay Name Reading here
Relationship Reading
A Relationship Reading delves deeper into the various relationships in your life. You can focus on a life partner or look at a wider family group. This allows you to see your relationships from different perspectives, giving insight and opportunities to heal and improve these relationships. You can find out more about a Relationship Reading here
Name Optimisation
In a Name Optimisation, we look at how a slight adjustment or a completely new name could improve your life, helping you to supercharge your talents, achieve your goals and work through any challenges you have been experiencing. You can find out more about a Name Optimisation here
Baby Name Optimisation
A Baby Name Optimisation is a perfect gift for a new baby. We all want the best life for our children: By choosing the optimal name, from reading the vibrations inherent within it, it is possible to assist your child with the optimal talents to work through their challenges, achieve their goals and manifest their true purpose in life, finding fulfilment and inner happiness as a result. You can find out more about a Baby Name Optimisation here
To catalyse you on your path and into closer alignment with your soul essence:
Soul Blueprint Upgrade
It is also possible to do a Soul Blueprint Upgrade This activates the gifts and talents and transmutes the shadow programmes for all codes in your blueprint, reconnecting your intuitive channel, balancing masculine and feminine energies and so much more.
You can find out more about a Soul Blueprint Upgrade here.
Soul Retrieval
A Soul Retrieval can be facilitated without needing to have a Soul Purpose Reading. When we experience trauma part of our vital essence or soul consciousness sometimes separates from us. This could occur after an accident; loss of a loved one; physical or sexual abuse; a serious operation, illness or any other traumatic event.
Soul retrieval uses ancient techniques to returns this vital essence to us. If you feel lost in grief, can’t move on after a relationship ending, have PTSD or ‘have never felt the same’ since a traumatic event, this may be the missing piece that catalyses your recovery.
You can find out more about a Soul Retrieval here.
Soul Purpose Reading
Why have a soul purpose reading?
Are you at a crossroad in your life?
Are you lacking a sense of direction or focus?
Do you want a more fulfilling and happier life?
Would you like to know your overall life purpose?
Are you hiding your greatest gifts and talents from the world?
Do you want to know how to overcome your greatest challenges?
Do you want to know why you have experienced life in the way you have?
Do you feel there must be more to life, but not sure what that is yet?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, a
Soul Purpose Reading may be just what you are looking for.
It can give you:
A deeper understanding of yourself.
A reminder of your true essence and purpose for being here.
Answers to why you've experienced life in the way that you have.
Confirmation of your inherent talents so you can own and step into them.
Guidance on transforming your life's challenges into strengths & opportunities.
A life map to guide you towards your highest potential and most fulfilling life.
It takes you from wherever you are and gives guidance for your onward journey.
It can really help shift things if you are feeling stuck, lacking in self confidence or you are not clear on your direction.
It is illuminating, validating, empowering, transformational.…and so much more.
How does a Soul Purpose reading work?
A Soul Purpose reading is based on at 90 minutes preparation time before we meet, and up to 90 minutes via Zoom to take you through your reading. In addition, you will receive the following:
A written summary of your reading
A recording of your session
One of the greatest keys to a happy and fulfilling life is truly connecting with your purpose. A Soul Purpose reading will help you align with your highest potential and most fulfilling life.
This is an investment in yourself, a gift that keeps giving. Each time you read it you will gain more and more insights and invaluable information.
To give you an idea of what you could experience, see some of my recent testimonials, below.
Mini Soul Purpose Reading
Whats inCluded?
This is a summarised version of a full Soul Purpose Reading. It involves around 30 minutes preparation time before we meet and up to 45 minutes via Zoom to take you through the reading. In addition, you will receive the following:
A written summary of your reading
A recording of your reading
You will uncover your early and later life strengths, talents, challenges and goals, together with your overall Soul Destiny.
This Mini Reading will be illuminating and transformative. However, if you are likely to want to know more, delving into an Overlay Reading, Relationship Reading or Name Optimisation, you will need a full Soul Purpose Reading first. This Mini Reading will not be enough.